RTC Training Programme
In response to the many issues pertaining to underage drinking and in advance of the Government proposal to introduce mandatory training for all staff selling alcohol, the National Off-Licence Association (NOffLA) has developed a professional accreditation initiative, formalising the commitment of NOffLA members to responsible trading. This initiative has generated extremely positive feedback from NOffLA members and has been applauded as a practical and worthwhile response to the problem of underage drinking.
The “Responsible Trading Certtificate” (RTC) is a comprehensive training programme which responds to the implications of the Liquor Licensing laws, the increase in court cases involving off-licences and the increase in Secondary Purchasing.
NOffLA members, who successfully complete the programme, are awarded a “Responsible Retailer Certificate”.
For more information contact 01 296 2326 or email irene@noffla.ie
- RTC is a practical training programme aimed at staff working in off-licences. It focuses on the law and associated responsibilities
- Participating outlets will be obliged to prominently display materials, highlighting licensing laws and the penalties and consequences of being found to be in breach of the law;
- Individuals who attend training are required to undertake a short mulitple choice examination at the end of the training session. Successful candidates are awarded a "Responsible Retailer Certificate"
NOffLA members who are successful and receive RTC Accreditation know the importance of training staff in such a specialised industry and are committed to running their business in an appropriate and professional manner. Accredited member outlets are entitled to display a certificate and door decal in-store, which demonstrates that they take their social responsibility seriously.
NOffLA is the representative body for over 330 off-licences nationwide.
If you would like further information on the scheme, or you wish to apply for NOffLA Membership or RTC Accreditation, please contact NOffLA directly.